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A word from our CEO
At TVA® Automotive, our best feature is our international team of highly professional and knowledgeable individuals, who, through their hard work, passion, and dedication, continuously drive our firm ahead of our competition.
We are proud to be able to provide aftermarket products, for a wide variety of vehicles, that meet the most rigorous tests.
As an independent, privately-owned company, our culture is very much about building solid relationships over the years with world-renowned brands with a wide range of high-quality automotive aftermarket.
We look forward to serving you and your company’s needs.
Tony Diaz
TVA Automotive
About TVA® Automotive With 7 offices, TVA Automotive, headquartered in the United States, has worldwide coverage offering extense expertise combined with international shipping capabilities. The team includes 15 consultants operating in 5 Sectors of the automotive world, ranging from Cars, SUVs, Trucks, Buses to Heavy-Duty vehicles.
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